What Are The Benefits Of Kombucha?

Kombucha is one of the many health-oriented beverages we offer at Earthtone Natural Kitchen. Kombucha has been around for many years, but it has recently become a more popular drink for individuals looking to boost their overall nutrition and gut health. There are many health benefits to drinking kombucha, so we will be discussing these benefits so that you can be more informed on how you’ll be helping yourself when you come in for one.

The many amazing benefits of drinking kombucha (regularly)

  • Aids digestion because it is full of antioxidants, probiotics, and live bacteria to promote optimal gut health

  • Boosts the health of intestinal cells

  • Prevents constipation and cleanses the colon

  • Reduces belly fat and inflammation

  • Reduces excess gas and bloating

  • Aids in weight loss if that is a current goal of yours

  • Rids your body of various toxins that it may already be trying to get rid of

  • Significantly boosts energy levels to become more efficient when working physically or mentally

  • Boost your immune system, making it harder to get sick or acquire illnesses

  • Can help to fight off various infections like the common cold, sinus infections, or the flu

  • Can be used to treat bronchitis

  • Detoxifies the body, ultimately helping out the liver and kidneys

  • Helps to prevent high blood pressure

  • Prevents high blood sugar levels

  • Helps to prevent heart disease

  • Prevents high cholesterol from developing

  • Prevents acid reflux and helps it go away

  • Prevents cancer from developing inside the body

  • Improves overall skin hydration

  • May improve sleep

  • Can enhance hair growth, heals dandruff, and prevents hair loss

  • Prevents pain from arthritis

  • Can decrease the severity of allergies

  • Can be used to treat asthma

  • Can ensure a healthy gallbladder

  • Packed with Vitamin B

  • It is available in many flavors and can be found in most grocery stores (especially health-conscious ones)

Now that you are aware of all of the amazing benefits that drinking kombucha has to offer, you’re probably asking yourself why you haven’t been drinking it on a daily basis (if you haven’t been already). It is truly incredible how many bodily issues that kombucha can help with. If you are currently experiencing any of the issues listed above, then trying out kombucha may be the next step for you to take to begin improving your overall health so that you can become more physically fit and mentally clear to take on each day with your best self.

If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about the kombucha we offer, please contact us!

What Are The Best Juices For Indigestion?

If you’re suffering from indigestion, bloating, or just the occasional abdominal discomfort, it may be due to the types of foods you’ve been putting into your body. Actually, this almost certainly is the reason for these types of symptoms. Fueling your body with the right fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is absolutely essential for your body to stay well and function properly. There are many kinds of fruits and vegetables that have various benefits. However, if you’re suffering specifically from indigestion issues, there are certain fruits and vegetables that we recommend incorporating into your diet through juicing that could make all the difference for you and your gut health!

The top juice ingredients for indigestion:

  • Carrots (controls high blood sugar)

  • Aloe Vera (high antioxidants and reduces constipation)

  • Beets (high in fiber)

  • Spinach (weight loss aid)

  • Cucumber (promotes hydration)

  • Ginger (reduces nausea and speeds up digestion)

  • Apples (promotes strong gut health)

  • Celery (anti-inflammatory)

  • Mint (improves irritable bowel syndrome)

  • Apple Cider Vinegar (reduces belly fat as a natural laxative)

Many of these foods are not only useful for fighting indigestion, but many of them are also cancer-fighting foods, promote heart health, and much more. One of the best and quickest ways to consume all of these highly nutritious fruits and vegetables is to juice them. Not only will you be able to quickly get all of the nutrition you need in just one glass a day, but it will also taste great (especially when you add apples, beets, and/or carrots to your juice for some extra sweetness).

Now that we have explained what juicing can do for your indigestion and what fruits and vegetables are best to use, we will now give you some general tips to get you started on your juicing journey!

Juicing tips:

  • You can pick sweet (apples), tart (lemons), or spicy (ginger) for the type of juice you’d like for the day, or even roots (beets), greens (kale), herbs (mint), or high-yield (cucumber)

  • Juice the fruits and vegetables together that you would actually like to eat together

  • Try to balance high-yield (cucumber) with high-potency (mint) ingredients in your juices

  • Don’t be afraid to take sips as you go and add the ingredients that you think would taste best

  • You don’t usually need to remove the skin from the fuits and/or vegetables that you buy, but it is good to do so for kiwis, citrus fruits, and any produce that might have wax on it’s exterior

  • If color significantly affects the way you view taste, you can always add beets for a nice purplish red hue and some apples or lemon to make the taste of your juice better

Does Juicing Benefit Kidneys?

Does Juicing Benefit Kidneys?

A fruit and vegetable-rich diet lowers the risk of heart disease and stroke, protects against certain forms of cancer, and offers fiber, which lowers the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and diverticulosis.

Juicing and Kidney Health

Juicing is being promoted as a way to reduce weight and stay healthy, and while it may appear to be a new trend, it has been around for a long time. As with any diet, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider, especially when it comes to your kidneys.

The Advantages of Juicing

Juicing can help you receive the vitamins and minerals you need without making you feel bloated. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, most adults should consume 1 12 to 2 cups of fruits and 2-3 cups of vegetables every day (USDA). Liquefying your raw food is an excellent way to consume the appropriate portions of fruits and vegetables.

Juicing can also assist kidney health by giving additional fluid to the body, which helps keep it hydrated.

The additional antioxidants found in the fruits and vegetables used to prepare the juice aid in the reduction of inflammation induced by oxidation. Oxidation is a normal bodily process that occurs when oxygen combines with lipids in the blood and cells. Kidney illness increases inflammation and hence oxidative damage in the body. As a result, juicing can help supply additional antioxidants as well as some vitamins and minerals that individuals with renal disease may be deficient, such as B6 and folic acid.

Disadvantages of Juicing

There Are Some Cautions For ANYONE who chooses to employ juicing instead of eating entire fruits and veggies, there are some downsides or cautions to consider:

Fiber is lost. The fiber is lost when the pulp of a fruit or vegetable is removed during the juicing process. Fiber increases stomach size, which lessens hunger, and fiber decreases the likelihood of constipation.

Because fruit and vegetable juices are higher in natural sugar content (called carbs) than whole fruits and vegetables, people with blood sugar problems should limit their intake of many fruit and vegetable juices.

Juicing is not intended to replace all meals for an extended period of time because it does not provide a balanced supply of all the nutrients our bodies require.

For patients with impaired renal function, further precautions should be taken:

People with normal renal function do not need to limit their fluid intake. Fluids may need to be limited for someone with poor renal function, making it difficult to employ juicing to acquire the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.

Certain nutrients may need to be restricted because the kidneys are incapable of adequately filtering them from the body. Potassium is one such example. Most juicing recipes include potassium-rich fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, bananas, mangoes, strawberries, spinach, and tomatoes or tomato juice, to mention a few. One orange contains roughly 240 mg of potassium, whereas 8 ounces of orange juice provides about 500 mg of potassium after juicing.

Some juicing recipes use for canned tomato or vegetable juice, which is heavy in salt. Many persons with impaired renal function must restrict their sodium consumption.

Many dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, are high in vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting. A high dietary intake of vitamin K can contribute to increased blood clotting in dialysis patients or people using blood thinners. If you are considering juicing and have diminished kidney function, you should consult with your renal doctor and/or a dietician beforehand to ensure that it is safe for your unique medical conditions. Your nutritionist can assist you in selecting the safest juicing recipes for your specific needs.

If you are considering juicing and have diminished kidney function, you should consult with your renal doctor and/or a dietician beforehand to ensure that it is safe for your unique medical conditions. Your nutritionist can assist you in selecting the safest juicing recipes for your specific needs.

Easy Ways To Stay Mindful of Maintaining a Nutritious Everyday Diet


Proper nutrition is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle, and every person would be wise to incorporate foods into their diets that contain lots of nutrients. Here are some ways you can ensure that you’re eating a healthy and nutritious diet.

Cook your own meals. By preparing your meals at home instead of consistently eating out, you’re better able to control the calories you consume from your meal. You are able to make healthy ingredient switches and keep track of how much fat and salt are in your dishes.

Try adding a variety of foods to your diet for more nutrients. There are limitless healthy options you can make when you have access to many different kinds of foods. Options keep you from growing bored of your diet and prevents you from going back to unhealthy food options.

Nutrition is a science with some objective facts. With that being said, there is also a subjective element to nutrition. When studying nutrition, you need to stay mindful of your own needs as well as rules that apply generally. For instance, a person with celiac disease must avoid certain grains, while these same grains may be fine for other people.

Incorporate nuts often as a healthy snack food. Nuts are not only good for you, they also have protein in them to help you feel full. There are many different types of nuts out there. However, obviously avoid them if you have a nut allergy.

Make sure that you’re consuming adequate quantities of B vitamins everyday. A diet low in vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and vitamin B12 can lead to dull, dry, scaly, itchy skin. Additionally, vitamin B2 and vitamin B6 play a vital role in maintaining sebaceous gland function. When your sebaceous glands are healthy, they produce just the right amount of oil to keep your skin smooth and soft.